To all the handbags I've loved before - Happy National Handbag Day! I had no idea this was a thing, but I'm happy to celebrate a day dedicated to my handbag collection. I LOVE handbags - To say it's an obsession is an understatement.
Here's a quick video to showcase my affection for handbags. Some of these handbags still grace my collection and others I sold to save money for new ones. It's a bummer to let them go, but if I had kept every designer handbag I purchased over the years, I would need another closet.
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To all the handbags I've loved before - Happy National Handbag Day! I had no idea this was a...
Green on Greene Street
March 02, 2020
DiorByDior pink gold sunglasses, Hip Chik LOVED jacket, Danielle Guizio sweatpants, Versace socks, Balenciaga Triple S sneakers, Christian Dior green camouflage embroidered book tote
DiorByDior pink gold sunglasses, Hip Chik LOVED jacket, Danielle Guizio sweatpants, Versace socks, Balenciaga Triple S sneakers, Christian Dior green camouflage embroidered book
This Is Not A Moschino Toy
January 13, 2020
Chloé aviator sunglasses, Moschino "This is Not a Moschino Toy" t-shirt, Acne Studios shearling coat, Danielle Guizio sweatpants, Christian Dior camouflage book tote, Yeezy season 6 stretch ankle boots
Chloé aviator sunglasses, Moschino "This is Not a Moschino Toy" t-shirt, Acne Studios shearling coat, Danielle Guizio sweatpants, Christian Dior camouflage book tote, Yeezy season 6 stretch...