To all the handbags I've loved before - Happy National Handbag Day! I had no idea this was a thing, but I'm happy to celebrate a day dedicated to my handbag collection. I LOVE handbags - To say it's an obsession is an understatement. Here's a quick video to showcase my affection for handbags. Some of these handbags still grace my collection and others I sold to save money for new ones. It's a bummer to let them go, but if I had kept every designer handbag I purchased over the years, I would need another closet.
The gorgeous and unique selection of handbags by my favorite designers this season is gonna bankrupt me. I'm addicted to handbags (seriously). I'd give up a whole lot of luxuries to purchase a few new handbags each season. Twice a year, I go through my closet and choose handbags and shoes that I don't LOVE anymore and list them on eBay - this is a great way to make some extra money, so I can afford my hangdbag addiction. I have so many amazing handbags, but the sensation of buying something new, limited edition and on-trend gives me too much pleasure. The Chloé Roy double clutch handbag (available at Chloé) was my first handbag obsession this season. The detachable clutches are linked with pale gold-tone rings. You can wear these clutches separately, BUT I'm not sure why you would - that's not exciting. The double clutch design has a top handle and shoulder strap. The shoulder strap is detachable and Chloé will release new colors throughout the season. I love the contrast of the blue strap against the olive green and beige leather clutches, but it's not available yet. YES, I purchased this bag in New York a few weeks ago. This unique design is a must-have Chloé handbag(s). I'm also addicted to sunglasses. Especially, Chloé sunglasses. These Chloé gold-tone sunglasses (available at Intermix) have a horn brow bridge and earpiece. This design is smaller than the typical Chloé sunglass style and I do love oversized sunglasses, BUT the horn detail is a delicate touch to the otherwise masculine aviator style. I'm in to socks these days. Socks that run a little higher than my sock-style boots and socks that would look great inside pumps or sandals. Of course, if you don a sock with high-heeled sandals, it's got to be light and feminine. These Emilio Cavallini metallic striped diamond net socks (available at Intermix) are perfect. I have a wedding in May and plan to wear these socks with my Azure Aniline (baby blue), suede Nudistrong Stuart Weitzman sandals. If you follow my blog and personal style, you know I LOVE sock-style boots. These Emilio Cavallini varsity stripe ankle socks (available at Intermix) slightly show the white and black stripe beneath my boots and adds a little sporty-chic vibe. Pair this look with joggers and an oversized sweatshirt. The Kendall + Kylie Alana bootie (available at Revolve) is special. These shear, suede and mesh boots would look great with dresses and even joggers (yeah, I have a sweatpants obsession too). I'm not sure how I feel about showcasing my toes in a shear shoe (that can get ugly real fast), but they're gorgeous nevertheless. Fendi to me is the Porsche of handbags. Most seasons (not all of them), I watch the show, screen shot looks and wait patiently for the handbags to hit the Fendi boutiques. AND the strap you collection is amazing! The embellished straps attach to most Fendi bags - I love this! The contrast of this light brown and green palm tree-like Fendi strap (available at Fendi) against this feminine floral embellished, multi-color Fendi runway shopper (available at Fendi) is perfection. Yeah, I paired the two - they don't belong together, but look amazing holding hands. The muted flower print mesh of the shopper and jungle-esque vibe of the strap says Spring is here, nature is beautiful and I look good carrying this unique fusion of Fendi accessories. May the fashion gods shine down (or my husband) and bless me with this Fendi runway shopper and exotic strap.